Life Stuff
What do you do at RMG: I’m a Content Manager! Before joining the official team, I worked with Redefine as a freelance content writer for about five years. So I might be the new kid on the block, but it feels like Redefine has been a part of my life for a while.
Favorite thing about your job: Everyone is friendly, supportive, and passionate. I also enjoy nerding out about SEO and digital marketing in general. This industry evolves quickly, so there’s always something new to learn. It keeps things fresh and exciting.
What was your first job: Dog walker, pet sitting/house sitting, and tutoring. But my first adult job (where I actually paid taxes) was working at my college’s video/film production center. My primary job was renting out cameras and other film equipment, but sometimes I would assist the department with film screenings and events. I also learned video editing during my downtime, which was great.
In elementary school, what did you want to be when you grew up: An astronomer.
What is your earliest memory: My parents planting a deodar tree in the backyard. I remember being barefoot and feeling the spiky needles in the grass where they’d planted it. The needles hurt, but I don’t remember if I cried or not. I was probably 3 years old.
What’s your favorite family tradition: We don’t have a lot of traditions as a family, but we usually gather for holiday meals and that’s always nice.
What is a fun or interesting thing about your hometown: I grew up in Claremont, CA. I’ve never actually fact-checked this, but supposedly it has more trees per capita than any other town on the west coast. They call it the “City of Trees.” The writer David Foster Wallace also lived there.
Food Stuff
What is your favorite cereal: Golden Grahams.
How do you like your eggs: Veggie omelet, or scrambled with mushrooms and spinach.
What is your go-to Starbucks order: I don’t really do Starbucks unless I’m traveling, and then I want ALL THE CAFFEINE. So, nitro cold brew.
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be: Boring answer? Buddha bowl with tofu. Fun answer? Waffle fries, or just fries in general. Fries are so good.
Favorite Stuff
Favorite band/musician: I usually gravitate towards indie, alternative, new wave, and singer-songwriter/folk. Radiohead is an all-time favorite, but in recent years I’ve been more into the hyper-local scene. LA has some crazy talented musicians who haven’t broken into the mainstream, but hopefully they will someday soon. Some of my favs are Brenda Carsey, Kid Lightning, Jessica Gerhardt, Harry Katz & The Pistachios, Whitney Tai, and Human Barbie.
Favorite movie: A close tie between Galaxy Quest and Best In Show.
Favorite actor/actress: This is a tough one! Right now, I’m going to say Catherine O’Hara. She’s iconic.
Favorite sports team: Angel City FC.
Favorite TV show: 30 Rock.
Favorite superpower: Shapeshifting. I love the idea of turning into different people or animals and experiencing the world from their perspective.
Favorite social media network: Instagram.
Top three favorite apps: Instagram, Podcasts, Wikipedia.
Hobby & Travel Stuff
What are your hobbies: Reading, cooking, arts ‘n’ crafts, making videos, and working out. I also really enjoy outdoorsy stuff like hiking and camping, and I hope to travel more in the near future.
What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time: I love learning random facts about animals, especially marine life and whales. Did you know that whales and hippos descend from a common ancestor called Pakicetus? Now you know!
Can you play any instruments: Not really, although I took violin lessons when I was a kid so there might be some leftover music knowledge somewhere in my brain.
Do you collect anything: Vintage Member’s Only jackets. I have 7 in different colors.
What are the last three books you read: Love by Toni Morrison, Doppelganger by Naomi Klein, and This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone.
Most recent vacation: Kenai Peninsula in Alaska.
What’s your favorite city/state/country you’ve ever visited (can be 1 place, or 1 city, 1 state, and 1 country): Probably Alaska. It was insanely beautiful there and I saw wild orcas, which ticked off a major bucket list item for me.

Random Stuff
If you could have dinner with one person, alive or dead, who would it be: Samuel Clemens, a.k.a. Mark Twain. I would want his take on the Ice Bucket Challenge.
At which store would you like to max out your credit card: Amoeba or Powell’s Books.
Do you have any strange phobias: Spiders, and getting my fingers sliced off in a garbage disposal.
Have you ever met anyone famous: Not to brag, but I once dated someone whose cat was sampled for the Jingle Cats album Meowy Christmas. (The cat had been dead for years but I’m still counting it.)
If you could pick up a new skill in an instant, what would it be: I would want instant fluency in another language, although I’m not sure which one I would pick. Maybe sign language because there’s always a need for interpreters.
If you could choose one age to be forever, what would it be: Well, for most of the past decade, people have assumed I’m 28… so maybe I am one age forever? Anyway, wear sunscreen, folks.
What characteristic do you like most about yourself: I’m a pragmatic optimist. I’m not sunshine-and-rainbows all the time, by any means, but I can usually see the silver lining and I believe things always work out. Even if it’s not the outcome I want, it’s an opportunity to learn and grow.
Have you had your 15 minutes of fame yet: I’m more interested in my tight five. The goal is to see a screenshot of this blog on late night in a few years, where I will be embarrassed that I was actually cocky enough to write this answer. (This is what the New Age-y types call manifestation. Let’s see if it works…)